100th POST!! Book Review and Autographed Giveaways: The Law of Self Defense by Andrew F. Branca, Attorney at Law

tlsdHow much do you really know, to keep yourself within the law, of self defense?  Is your state a Duty to Retreat, Castle Doctrine or Stand Your Ground State?  If you had to use the Tueller Drill in your defense, could you?

If you intend to protect yourself against any attack, this book is one that you need to read.  You don’t need to be a gun owner, a daily carry person, or even wield a knife to protect yourself to get information from this book.

Written in a very clear and easy to understand way for us regular folks, Mr. Andrew F. Branca has done an excellent job trying to train us all in the current-to-when-he-wrote-the-book laws.  Not only will you be able to understand the laws, but you’ll also be able to easily apply them.

What I really liked about reading this book was the tables that were included with information for each state.  Highly valuable!

You can order this book online directly from Mr. Branca’s website here, or you can also order it from Amazon.com.  The Kindle version or the print version.

However, if you’d like to take you chances on winning an autographed copy of this book, I am running a giveaway through 1 Million Moms Against Gun Control in Washington.  To enter you simply have to head over to my Facebook page, 1mmagc-wa, and enter through Rafflecopter.  After you have done that, you have the option of buying more entries by donating to the Washington 1MMAGC GoFundMe account.  Each dollar that you donate gives you an extra entry!

Good luck!


Book Review: A Woman’s Guide to Spiritual Warfare by Quin Sherrer & Ruthanne Garlock


I have just read this book for the second time today, and probably not my last. My plans this morning when I started it was to read one chapter each morning until I was done.  With 13 chapters, it would take me almost 2 weeks.  But I couldn’t put it down today, so I finished it.

This is a very important book for every Christian to read.  It’s hard to believe that there are Christians out there who don’t believe that they are fighting the spiritual world every day, but apparently there are.

Fellow Christians: We are fighting against the principalities of darkness constantly.  Reading this book will help you to recognize when that is happening.  The authors also include prayers throughout the book to show examples of prayers and the way that you can learn to pray to protect your household and yourself.  Maybe even more!

A couple of quotes that I really thought were powerful:

“…May I remind you again that our resistance by itself is not what causes Satan to flee, he flees because of the power of Jesus which is ours through prayer.” – Paul Billheimer

“In the natural world, we would have no difficulty understanding how to apply disinfectant to an infection.  We would take the disinfectant and sprinkle or pour it upon the infection, and the result would be that all germs and living organisms present in that infection would die.
Now we should have no difficulty in doing the same thing spiritually.  Wherever Satan is at work, we must apply the only corrective antidote there is — the Blood of Jesus.  There is absolutely no alternative, no substitute…This is why Satan has always tried to take the Blood out of our churches.  If there is not disinfectant, then his demons are free to continue their deadly work of destruction in spirit, soul, and body…”  – H.A. Maxwell Whyte

“We firmly believe a Christan who is walking in right relationship to God cannot be possessed by a demon.  that would imply ownership or total control, and a Christian belongs to Christ, not the devil.  But a believer who has compromised with the enemy–who has fallen into idolatry and removed himself from God’s protection–can certainly be tormented, harassed, or open to deception by demonic forces.” authors of book

Things I need to remember and take away from this book for myself and my family:

  • To pray for the Lord to protect our house and property before we leave.
  • When I feel fear and panic during the windstorms, I will pray for God’s protection upon our house and to stop all of the devil’s destruction.
  • To recognize and notice traits of a bad spirit taking over and pray against it.
  • To pray for my surrounding neighborhood, cities, states, and even nations across the world.
  • When I feel threatened, call out in the name of Jesus to take control and banish the demons (Psalm 44: 4-7; Luke 10:17-19; Revelations 12:11; Luke 4:4, 8, 12; Matthew 21:19).
  • That I have the power to pray away the devil and his demons from my family and husband.
  • To pray for my husband when he seems to be fighting depression, anger, anxieties and panic attacks.
  • That when I pray something in Jesus’ name and by His Blood, they are binding and powerful prayers.


Homeschool 3/13/2014


Today was a day spent driving all over and entering store after store after store.  Mostly my goal was to get my laptop fixed.  But it took several trips to get it sent off.

So today, once again, school was not on the schedule.

But that doesn’t mean no one hasn’t learned anything!  Bubba took it upon himself to build a pair of stilts to use.  Oh the creativity of that child!  And he wants to grow up and be a carpenter, with his own business.  I LOVE the dreams and direction that he has.

Stinky has had her nose stuck in a book for most of the day.  Love to see that!

Now the kids are playing outside, swinging on a rope and getting baseballs stuck on the roof.  Boy, won’t Dad be glad to hear that he has yet another baseball to rescue.  Science abounds outside, especially on a back yard farm.

After all, it’s a live documentary watching the chickens and ducks around here.  Life lessons are to be learned everywhere!

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Homeschool 3/12/2014


The sun is actually shining here today in the Pacific Northwest!  Right now, my kids are outside, enjoying that sunshine, and throwing baseballs up into the air and trying to catch them before they hit the ground.  It’s 2:00 in the afternoon and kids are still in school right now, plugging away at their books.  While mine are getting their exercise right here at home.  All of the school work for today has not been completed, but they can do it a bit later tonight.

  • Bible:  Confusion Part 2, the population of countries after the tower of Babylon, Acts 17:26
  • Math 3:  Place value
  • Math 4: has not been completed yet today
  • History: The start of the Franks (France), Clovis, the ex-barbarian and the beginning of France
  • Reading: Peter, the Goatherd by Grimm’s Brothers
  • Science: No Science today, unless we decide to read a bit about Salmon later today
  • English 3: Using the dictionary, practice spelling
  • English 5: Being courteous, study habits and using the English book, practice spelling

We only have 2 stories left in Grimm’s Fairy Tales.  I want to hurry and finish that book, as well as my boy, so we can finish reading Scout.  If you have never heard of that story, and you like to read Christian books with your kids, you should check this book out.  There is a whole series of them.  I have the first one called The Secret of the Swamp.  It is written by Piet Prins.

You can find it in for some really cheap on Amazon. You can find it for sale on the right side of my blog.  Click on that link and you can easily get it for 1 penny!

Happy reading and homeschooling!  We’re halfway through the week today!



Homeschool 3/11/2014


Yesterday’s studies did not include anything out of a book.  We had errands to run, people to visit and we were pretty much dragging most of the day.

Part of the beauty of homeschooling is the choice to skip a day of lessons.  Kids will still be learning, but they are learning what I like to call, Life Lessons.  Going to the grocery store and gathering groceries, totaling prices, reading the list, pushing the cart, standing in line, paying at the cash register, finding what you want, unloading groceries from the car, to the house and putting them away, that is all Life Lessons.

In my opinion, it is just as important for my children to learn the values that will be instilled in them by running errands.  They learn patience, how to socialize, how to work with other people and many other things that prepare them for life in the real world that public school, or even homeschool curriculum lessons won’t teach them.

Some days, we even need that.

My children love to learn and are always learning on their own.  They play pretend school and make up their own lessons plans.  My daughter, at 10, has taught herself about different countries and such by reading a book of Social Studies that I have in our homeschool library.  She also studies Spanish on her own and has learned quite a bit.  I do know some Spanish, so I am readily available to help with pronunciations and putting together sentences.  Pretend homework and school assignments are given to her, and she will actually do them better than she does the homeschool lessons that I plan!  Another series of books on my shelves teaches life values through historical figures.  My son, who is 9, taught himself who the first black Major League Baseball player was by reading those.  I don’t even know that!

The past couple of days, my kids have discovered all of my old comic books, including Archie.  My son has a more difficult time with reading and letters, so I try to find him books that he likes to read.  He likes short chapters and the words printed big.  But finding Archie and Jughead has opened a whole new world of reading for him.  He has spent the past 3 days voraciously going through the comics that I have.

Which means that for the majority of the car ride that he traveled yesterday, was also time that he spent reading.  That is a successful day to me.


Timeline of My Day


A normal day here is not very normal.  lol

Mondays are my favorite days of the week.  It’s a fresh start to a brand new week.  A week to get things accomplished.  A week to explore, learn and praise God for all that He brings to it.

Today’s schedule is pretty much what an average day looks like around here, Monday through Friday.  The only thing that today is missing is errands, because thankfully, I don’t have any to run today.  And that always makes any day, better!

6:00 am – Wake up, Devotions

7:00 am – SWAG Bucks

8:00 am – Wake kids, Kids feed, Work on 1 Million Moms Against Gun Control (1MMAGC) stuff

9:00 am – Blog

10:00 am – Workout, Amanda does dishes today, Start school at 10:40

11: am – Homeschooling

12:00 pm – Lunch, Cleaning

1:00 pm – Cleaning

2:00 – 4:30 pm – Crochet

4:30 pm – Cook dinner

5:00 pm – Whenever – Crochet

The evenings are mind to do what I want.

Our dishes schedule rotates through the family, so I only have to wash dishes once every four days.

On Saturdays, that is my day to sleep in as late as I want to.  After I get up, I usually feed the chickens and ducks for the kids.  Then Saturdays are spent folding laundry, planning for the upcoming week and anything else that I fancy.  Sometimes I do get some housework done also.

Sundays we try to go to church.  So I’m up around 7 am.  Some Sundays I feed for the kids, other days I make them do it.  The rest of the day is devoted to NASCAR or football, whichever happens to be on and naps.


Farm Step-Stool


This was one of my best finds when I attended the Just Between Friends Sale in Puyallup.  I fell in love with this at first glance.  It was a steal to me at $8!

I saw this stool as I was shopping and shared my find with Katie.  We decided to finish shopping and come back for it.  I couldn’t wait that long!  I left her drowning in the 3T section and went downstairs to grab it.  Thankfully it was still there!

I got tired of carrying it while I was looking through the books so I decided to give it to the ladies that were holding large items for shoppers.  I had been carrying it sideways by this time, with the lid just hanging open.

When Katie and I had finished all of our scouting and shopping, we stood in line to pay.  When I made it up to the pick up place, they handed me my step stool, along with the other items that I had held.  I noticed that the lid was sitting inside the pocket.

Now, I had been walking around with it hanging open.  I checked it closer and the actual screws to hold the lid on were gone.  It was not a tight fitting, so there is no way it was just hanging on.  Thankfully it was an easy fix, and I knew it would be.

I was not the only one who fell in love with it!  My son was inspired to use it, so he had his dad help him fix it for me.  Now he has enjoyed using it so much, that I have had the best helper drying dishes and putting them away!  I can’t complain about that!


Meet the Author

Meet the Author

Hello!  My name is Danielle and this blog will introduce to you all that makes me!  I plan on presenting you with truths, ideas, experiences, knowledge and hopefully some laughter along the way.

To simplify things, and to show you ME, I will give you some lists.  I like lists.  🙂

My Likes:

  • Jesus
  • God
  • Bible
  • Coffee
  • Cats
  • Coffee Mugs
  • Family
  • Homeschooling
  • Natural Care
  • Chickens
  • Sheep
  • Pigs
  • Horses
  • Paper
  • Pens
  • Books
  • Words
  • Lists
  • Plans
  • Schedules
  • Organizing
  • Crochet
  • Leading
  • Red
  • Pink
  • Purple
  • Blue
  • Green
  • Health

This blog will touch on many of those points and others as well.  I am excited about this new journey!  I hope you are as well and will join me.

Proverbs 18:15 The heart of the prudent getteth knowledge; and the ear of the wise seeketh knowledge.  KJV