Book Review: The New American Herbal by Stephen Orr


When I saw this book on the list of books for me to choose from to review, I knew that I had to have it.  Hoping with all hope that it would be the kind of reference book on Herbs that I have been searching for.

Lucky for me, I could finally stop searching!

This book has brought information together that I have found spread from here to there in the herbal-book-knowledge world.  There is a lot of information, but it’s not altogether.

And the photos in the book?  They are expressive!  I am in love with the photos throughout this book.  There are some lovely presentations of recipes and herbs that almost make me wish that I could frame them and have them hung.

Included is a very thorough list of herbs and quite a bit of information dedicated to each one.  There are lists, recipes, gardening tips and pages that explains the terms that you will find useful to know in the world of herbs.

Two of the particular pages that stuck out at me is Getting to Know the Major Herb Families which breaks down the members of the families.  For example, the onion family is

really a subfamily of the lily or amaryllis family…is known for it’s pungent flavor.  Useful members include chives, garlic, leeks, onion and shallots.

The other page that I found interesting was a list of what gives herbs their flavors.  There are so many, I had no idea!

The only complain that I really have about this book is that the type and text is very small.  This makes it difficult reading for me as the book is too big and heavy for me to hold up with my neck problems, but the print is so small that I have to be close.  Reading at a desk is the best way for me with this book.

Definitely one that I would recommend for those interested in knowing more about herbs.

**Disclaimer:  I received this book from Blogging for Books in exchange for my honest review.

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