Book Review: Watch for the Light by Plough Publishing House


Before I begin writing my review, I must admit that I have not been able to read the book cover to cover yet.  Although, I am dying to!

This book was received in the mail yesterday.  It was the perfect day to have it arrive because it is daily readings for the Advent and Christmas season.  As God’s wonderful Hand guided this book to my house to appear on the same day that the devotions started, I knew that this was a good sign.

Last night, I read November 24 daily reading.  Written by Christph Friedrich Blumhardt it speaks of what the Advent really is.  Definitely a good reminder to our weary hearts and our busy lives.

Today’s reading was a poem by Sylvia Plath.  While I am not one who likes poetry.  Or even understands it.  I tried my hardest to put the pieces together and came out with my own interpretation of it.  I suppose that is the beauty of poetry and art.  One sees what they see.

I skimmed through the book, without spoiling any of it for myself, and am very pleased.  I am looking forward to spending my Advent season reading these daily devotions to uplift and encourage my spirit while I am trudging through the shopping centers or dreading that family get-together.

If you have the opportunity to get this book and read it, do it!

*Disclaimer I was given this book to review by Plough Publishing House as part of the Handlebar Team in return for my honest review.


Book Review: The Book of Revelation Made Clear by Tim LaHaye & Timothy E. Parker

There are few people that I have met who truly understand the book of Revelation.  I am one of those who do not understand it all.

I have received a book to review from BookLook Bloggers and am very thankful for it!

Tim LaHaye is an author that I have read several books from.  Mainly from The Left Behind series.  LOVED those books!  He joins up with Timothy E. Parker to teach everyone about the book of Revelation in the Bible.

Each chapter relates to a chapter out of Revelation.  It starts out asking questions with multiple choice answers.  After that each answer is shown with a Bible verse and then explained, and the correct answers are given.

The book also includes tables that help to explain several details of Revelation.  I found them to be easy to understand and helpful to the content.

This book would be great to do as a group study or just to read as devotions in the morning, as I did.  The Book of Revelation Made Clear is a book that will stay on my book shelves for sure!

I recommend this book to all!  If you have any desire to search for the knowledge that the Lord blesses or if you just want to have some questions answered and understand things more clearly, this book is for you!

**Disclaimer:  I got this book from BookLook Bloggers in exchange for my honest review.

Book Review: Fearless by Eric Blehm

If you would like to read a book that displays perfect and awesome examples of determination, faith and being the best that you can be, you will definitely want to read Fearless by Eric Blehm.
From his integrity to his failures, Adam Brown wanted his story to be told.  All of his story.  Family and friends of Adam tell this tale of fierce loyalty that became a SEAL for the United States.  Adam gave his life for the country that he loved.
As I read this book, I thought about the wonderful legacy that Adam left for his children.  I know that they are proud of their daddy, not only know that he sacrificed his life and died a hero, but also that he was a caring and sympathetic human being.  From helping those less who were bullied to putting shoes on the bare feet of children.
As a Christian, Adam credited God for everything.  He showed examples of the love that Jesus had for others, especially the unfortunate.
I recommend this book to any one who doesn’t mind being influenced to challenge themselves or trust wholly in the Lord.

**Disclaimer:  This book was given to me by Blogging for Books in exchange for my honest review.

Book Review: Apostle Paul by Nancy I. Sanders

_240_360_Book.1267.coverI was a little bit disappointed when I saw the reading level of this book.  I was not aware that it was for a little bit younger kids than my own. 

With that said, it’s still a great book.  My son is just above this reading level, which is listed on the back cover as RI 2.1, RL 2.3 and RI 2.5.  He looked the book over and thought that it did look interesting enough for him to read anyway.  It will be added to his pile of books to take on our vacation next month.

My daughter, who is 11, said this was way too young for her.  She also said it’s too boring and school-like.  But she did express an interest in reading the Mary book of this series. 

I have read through this book and think that it is a very good choice for young readers to introduce them to Bible people.  The book has photos and illustrations through out, to make sure and keep the interest of readers.

Definitions of words are included for many and added as an extra decorative box on some of the pages.  The word is also highlighted in colors through out the book when there is a definition that accompanies it.

This book has sections on Bible heroes, extra unknown or maybe known facts and many other little things spread through the book.  I really like how well everything is explained.

I would definitely recommend this book for those of you with younger readers.  The whole series would be excellent additions to any homeschool, or home, library.

Disclaimer: This book was given to me by BookLook Bloggers in exchange for my honest review.



Book Review: Ex-Muslim by Naeem Fazal

Adobe Photoshop PDFIn today’s world, the word Muslim tends to bring fear to many people, especially Christians.  What many people do not understand, is that there are Muslims out there that are not against Christians.

Naeem Fazal was a Muslim, raised in Kuwait.  His story that he honestly unfolds through the pages of his book, is one that can help us as Christians to understand the Muslims and maybe even at times, help to bring them to Jesus.

I don’t want to give away Naeem’s story.  You definitely will want to read it yourself.  However, I do have to touch on some important points.

I have read many times that Jesus often presents himself to Muslims in dreams.  I find that so interesting.  Naeem explains in his book what that meant as Muslim.

One particular instance in the book that I will remember because it may one day prove to be useful to me, is sharing Jesus with a Muslim.

Naeem explains that using Jesus to lure a Muslim into Christianity creates a problem.  Telling them that Jesus is the son of God can immediately turn them off in your conversation.  This is because saying that God has a son, is akin to saying that God had a wife.

Instead, Naeem turned to using sin as an example.  Muslims understand sin.  They pray five times a day and fast at Ramadan because of sin.  Muslims also believe in the tie of sacrifice, the shedding of blood and sin.  Read a few words out of Ex-Muslim to understand this better.

…The bigger the sacrifice, the more sine and for more people it could atone.  So I asked him, ‘What kind of sacrifice would be big enough for the entire human race?’

‘Only a God-sized sacrifice,’ I said in answer to my own question.

I knew I had his attention then.  ‘Forget about Jesus being the Son of God for a minute.  Think about him as the Lamb of God.  That’s who Jesus is, man.’

It’s my belief that stories like Naeem’s can be used to help us bring Muslims to Jesus.  He wants them to be brought to Him.  He loves them as He loves us.  It’s our witnessing that brings others to Him.

Naeem’s book tells how it ‘s important to live the life of a Christian, and not just act it out.  Doing church things is good, but having God alive in your life, every day is what is important.

I definitely recommend that others read this book.  What a wonderful story that Naeem and his family have shared.

**I have received this book from BookLook Bloggers in exchange for my honest review.


Prayers and Their Power

22I wake up in the morning and have chores to attend to.  The cats, all five of them, are waiting ever so patiently for me to feed them.  The three in the house wind around my feet as I prepare the water for my coffee.  The other two that like to spend nights outside, will come running to the door as soon as they hear me.

The ducklings hear me attending to the cats and start peeping to let me know that they are ready to eat also.  I finish preparing my coffee in my French press and get the ducklings food out.  I let them out to eat while I finish and wait for my coffee.

It has become my habit to go straight to the computer and start earning my Bing rewards and my Swagbucks.  Both are going to help me pay for a trip that I’m taking next year.

While I am doing those, I read my devotions, Bible and a Christian book.  Lately, prayers have been a huge thing that I have been reading about.  I blogged last Saturday about The Power of the Word.  I wrote about how prayer has recently touched my life and shown me so much.24

For the past two months, I have been reading prayers for the kids.  I’m sure many of you have heard the book The Power of a Praying Parent by Stormie Omartian.  I have the little book that goes along with that, with all of the prayers included, called The Power of a Praying Parent Prayer Book.  I started with reading that little book, saying a prayer each morning for the kids.  I then re-read the book and said the prayers each day.  One chapter per day gave me one prayer per day.  After that book, I read the little prayer book again.

I have covered my children in prayer the past two months.  I read these prayers aloud, even if I have to be quiet so I don’t wake them, in the early morning while sipping my coffee and earning Swagbucks.

Now let me explain why this is relevant to you, or why you should care.

I have always known that prayer had power.  Growing up in churches, you learn that.  (I hope.)  I have even had my share of answered prayers.

For example, I vividly remember a day when I stood with my kids in Safeway.  Only a few dollars to spend.  I had said a prayer to God to ask him to show me what I could get with my few dollars for dinner.  As I stood in the middle of an aisle, pondering what to get, an older woman walked up to me.

She had tears in her eyes and explained to me that God told her that I needed help.  She had gone through the line already and as she did, she grabbed a Safeway gift card.  She handed me that card and told me that God told her to do it.  We hugged and I thanked her and silently thanked my Heavenly Father.  The amount that she gave me wasn’t a huge amount, but it bought us dinner, milk and she told me to buy the kids a candy.

Now explain to me.  If God is not real, how in the world would that happen?  Ever?

27See, I’m not a stranger to prayer.  But….here’s what I am a stranger to.

Seeing the power of Bible verses being read working in the lives of my children.

Driving in the van yesterday, the kids and I were talking, as usual.  Amanda told me that she has recently felt like she should be praying more.  She has stopped to take the time to tell God that something is pretty, or just to thank Him for something.  Another thing that she has started is praying when she wakes up.

My son then adds, that he also, has felt the need to pray more.  Imagine how my heart soared to hear this!  My prayers that I have been saying in the morning are working!  Some of those prayers ask for my children to want to feel closer to God and have a strong relationship with Him.

28Seriously, what more can a mother ask for than for her children to have a wonderful relationship with our Heavenly Father and Loving Creator?!

It’s really amazing!

I have also witnessed, just this past week, an occurrence that I was able to use prayer during the situation and it worked right then and there.  I won’t get into any details because those are not important.  But someone I love was getting into something that I think is steeped in demonism.  I prayed right there for that person to feel guilt for being even a little bit interested.  Within 30 seconds, that interest was cut off and moved onto something else.  I thanked Him once again as I sat there in awe.9774

The next goal that I have is to find Bible verses to pray over my daughter and a specific issue that we are going through.  And I just bought The Power of a Praying Wife by Stormie Omartian yesterday at Goodwill.  I have read that before, but I believe I got it from the library.  I want the prayers here on my shelves to read each morning like I do for the kids.

I challenge you to try this.  Find some Bible verses, or prayers that are already written, and start your own prayer legacy.  Bible verses for different topics are easy to find.

Tomorrow morning, as I enjoy my Starbucks Breakfast Blend cup of coffee, and delve into my prayers for my children, I will think ahead of the many blessings that are to come.  Prayer hasn’t always been an easy thing for me, but you know the saying, “Practice makes perfect” and that works the same for praying.  The more I pray and learn how to pray defensively, the easier it gets for me.

I’d love to hear your prayer results!  If you already have a wonderful story to share, I’d also love it if you shared it with me!  Until next time, many blessings!


Book Review: Samantha Sanderson at the Movies by Robin Caroll

ImageExciting and suspenseful, follow as Samantha Sanderson, dying to get a lead article to write for the school newspaper, and creates havoc for herself along the way.  Samantha Sanderson at the Movies, by Robin Caroll, is the first in a new series of Christian books for young girls.

This is a great story for middle school aged young ladies to read, with Christian morals.  God is brought up and often prayed to in this book.  I will encourage my daughter to read books that have Christian morals and Jesus.

It’s time we teach our girls that there is more to life than just their own wants and needs.  This book will teach your daughter that their are rules to follow and followed exactly.  When you try to find ways around what you know you shouldn’t do, that is dishonorable.

I am very excited to introduce a new series to my daughter.  Christian novels for kids are so hard to find.  I am going to be trying to get my hands on the next book in this series called, Samantha Sanderson on the Scene.

A nice feature that came with this book is discussion questions.  I was thinking of writing a few myself after I was done, so I could assign my daughter this for a homeschool read.  But now that I’ve seen the discussion questions at the end, I won’t need to do that.

Disclaimer: BookLook Bloggers gave me this book in exchange for my honest opinion in the form of a review.


Book Review: Heaven is For Real Movie Edition by Todd Burpo with Lynn Vincent


What an amazing story this was.  There is not a doubt in my mind that this little boy visited Heaven.  Not a doubt.

This should be a must read for every single person.  Required reading.  Maybe more people would believe in Jesus, God and the Holy Spirit.

Colton’s story reaffirmed some things I knew, confirmed some things that I wondered about and even gave me relief in some areas.

This will be the next book that I read to the kids for our homeschool lessons.  I want to share this book with them and everyone else who will listen.  It’s just an incredible story, filled with love.

Seriously, love.  Colton reminds his family throughout the book that Jesus loves all of the children.  It’s such an wonderfully engulfing feeling to think of the capacity of that love.

This edition of the book is the Movie Edition, and has several interviews in the back.  Interviews with different people involved in the movie in different ways.  Also included in the book is a timeline that easily tracks the story of the Burpos and Colton, along with some of the progresses of the book and movie.

I really enjoyed seeing the photos also.  The photo that really struck me was the photo of Jesus, that had been painted by another little girl who said she had visited Heaven.  To know the full meaning of this story about Jesus’ picture, you will need to read the book.  And let me tell you, you will not be sorry!  It’s worth every penny that you’ll spend.


I received this book for free from BookLook Bloggers for free in exchange for my honest opinion of the book.

If you’d like to order the book from, please click here.


Serving Others

0000014Jesus spoke many times on people serving others.  “And whoever would be first among you must be slave of all. For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many” (Matthew 10:44-45).  It is something that Christians should all be doing, as a witness to Jesus.

What are some ways to serve?  If you are ready to venture our into your community and serve, there are many places that you can start.  Churches are almost always looking for people to volunteer to teach or help out with different things.  Food banks in your area will probably also be looking for volunteers.

Sometimes you can volunteer at a school or a library.  Even as a tutor.

Don’t think that you only have to participate in organized volunteer work.  Any time that you are picking up litter or cleaning up a public area is volunteer and makes your community look so much nicer!

Many communities have clubs and organizations that you can also volunteer at.

15Ways that I have volunteered in the past.  When I was a teenager, I volunteered to be a teen leader in my community’s 4-H club.  After my children were born, I volunteered to be an AWANA Sparks Leader, a Sunday school teacher, watching the young children during church for their parents and playing flute and handbells for our church.

I believe that it’s important for my children to learn about serving others.  They see the work that I do and how much time I put into my jobs.  I consider something that I volunteer to do the same as a job.  I’m not getting paid an hourly wage with money here on earth for it, but I am getting a wage that I’ll receive in Heaven.  That will be even greater than any reward or amount of money I could ever get here!

0000019My Volunteering Now.  Right now, I currently am volunteering for an organization called 1 Million Moms Against Gun Control.  I am the State Coordinator for Washington.  We aim to educate and inform others in 2nd Amendment issues, firearm safety and training and other self defense areas.

1558502_10200287038978189_797538811_nBeing able to carry my pistol to defend myself and my children is definitely something that I believe is worth volunteering my time for.  I strongly believe in our Constitution and Amendments.  I do not believe that those should ever be messed with.

Serving others is a necessary part of a Christian life.  If you aren’t serving somewhere or somehow, please pray about where God wants you to be helping.

Luke 6:38 says “Give, and it will be given to you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap. For with the measure you use it will be measured back to you.”


Book Review: A Woman’s Guide to Spiritual Warfare by Quin Sherrer & Ruthanne Garlock


I have just read this book for the second time today, and probably not my last. My plans this morning when I started it was to read one chapter each morning until I was done.  With 13 chapters, it would take me almost 2 weeks.  But I couldn’t put it down today, so I finished it.

This is a very important book for every Christian to read.  It’s hard to believe that there are Christians out there who don’t believe that they are fighting the spiritual world every day, but apparently there are.

Fellow Christians: We are fighting against the principalities of darkness constantly.  Reading this book will help you to recognize when that is happening.  The authors also include prayers throughout the book to show examples of prayers and the way that you can learn to pray to protect your household and yourself.  Maybe even more!

A couple of quotes that I really thought were powerful:

“…May I remind you again that our resistance by itself is not what causes Satan to flee, he flees because of the power of Jesus which is ours through prayer.” – Paul Billheimer

“In the natural world, we would have no difficulty understanding how to apply disinfectant to an infection.  We would take the disinfectant and sprinkle or pour it upon the infection, and the result would be that all germs and living organisms present in that infection would die.
Now we should have no difficulty in doing the same thing spiritually.  Wherever Satan is at work, we must apply the only corrective antidote there is — the Blood of Jesus.  There is absolutely no alternative, no substitute…This is why Satan has always tried to take the Blood out of our churches.  If there is not disinfectant, then his demons are free to continue their deadly work of destruction in spirit, soul, and body…”  – H.A. Maxwell Whyte

“We firmly believe a Christan who is walking in right relationship to God cannot be possessed by a demon.  that would imply ownership or total control, and a Christian belongs to Christ, not the devil.  But a believer who has compromised with the enemy–who has fallen into idolatry and removed himself from God’s protection–can certainly be tormented, harassed, or open to deception by demonic forces.” authors of book

Things I need to remember and take away from this book for myself and my family:

  • To pray for the Lord to protect our house and property before we leave.
  • When I feel fear and panic during the windstorms, I will pray for God’s protection upon our house and to stop all of the devil’s destruction.
  • To recognize and notice traits of a bad spirit taking over and pray against it.
  • To pray for my surrounding neighborhood, cities, states, and even nations across the world.
  • When I feel threatened, call out in the name of Jesus to take control and banish the demons (Psalm 44: 4-7; Luke 10:17-19; Revelations 12:11; Luke 4:4, 8, 12; Matthew 21:19).
  • That I have the power to pray away the devil and his demons from my family and husband.
  • To pray for my husband when he seems to be fighting depression, anger, anxieties and panic attacks.
  • That when I pray something in Jesus’ name and by His Blood, they are binding and powerful prayers.
