Sunday Morning


I’m sitting here on this Sunday morning, my 2nd cup of coffee quickly disappearing, and I’m reflecting on a few things.

This week has been a difficult one.  It started out as just being stressful and overwhelming, because that is the story of my life right now, so we’ll call that “normal”.  I’ll begin again….It started out as a normal week.  I’m guessing between the stress and higher sugar volumes I’ve recently been intaking, I wasn’t feeling so good.  I spent my afternoon snuggled up in the electric blanket and lazy boy snoozing while the kids amused themselves in the other room.  I remember hearing the phone ring, but we have just a few cell minutes left that I want to save for an emergency, so I didn’t answer it.  I saw that it was a call from my dad.  He had left a message also, and I remember wondering how I’d check the message without using minutes.

I finished my nap and later that evening went down to our friends’ house to watch the football game.  Arriving home, I settled back into the lazy boy and electric blanket to check my facebook.  I had a message from my mom asking me if I had seen the email from my sister about my grandpa.  No, I hadn’t, so I had to check now.

Fear filled my body and I was wary about reading the email.  I had every right to fear, because he had passed.

I am not writing this now to dwell on that.  I don’t like to and have (hopefully) finished my crying.  But it just finished my week off with more emotions that I had before.  Which has not been fun.

Onto another subject….

I have recently signed my daughter up for boutique modeling.  I had a local photographer that I was working with.  She would take photos of my daughter, and I would make her whatever props she wanted for her photography and/or modeling for her daughter.  Well, drama happens and somehow without my knowledge of what was even going on, I was dragged into it.  That was how my Wednesday went.  Anyway, to make a looong and weird story short, I no longer have a photographer to work with.

I don’t have the heart to tell my daughter that she has to stop.  She has just started and really likes it.  So what’s a Mom to do?  You got it, learn how to work my camera and take better photos.  I have been reading ebooks on my Kindle about photography, cameras and using Corel Paint Shop Pro to edit photos.  I am not a great photographer, but I do enjoy photography and I believe that I have taken some very nice nature photographs.  (That is my favorite.  Especially trees.)

Yesterday I took Ms. Kim out and she modeled some of my headbands.  I got a terrible glow on her face that I can’t seem to get rid of.  But I practiced with changing some settings on my camera, I shot in RAW and JPEG.  I tried different angles.

What I need to do is do all of that again and take notes on it.  But it was cold, starting to rain and I still wasn’t feeling too hot.

I am not thinking about taking this to a professional level.  But if that is what happens, then hey, that’s cool.  I just want to sharpen up my skills for my daughter, and my own pleasure.  I have been collecting ebooks on my Kindle for photography and such, but just haven’t found the time to read them yet.  This is pretty much forcing me to do that.

Onward and forward to better things!  And, better relationships.  I abhor fake friendships.  Along with fake people.  I long to fill my life with good people and good things.  I just don’t have time for anything that causes me to stumble.

With that, I leave you with a few photographs that I have found.  These are not edited.

Fall Fairy by Parker