Book Review: Wilderness Survival Handbook by Michael Pewtherer

22822974b734d3aa39ac3bcf6df79ed3I realize I have finished quite a few books the past couple of days.  That has made quite a few blog posts on book reviews.  I have read a few ebooks that I have not reviewed, so this is not even everything!  I guess you could say I’ve missed reading as much as I used to and am ready to pick it back up for now.

So, this book I have actually been reading for quite a while.  I started it a while ago and just set it aside and never picked it back up until a couple of weeks ago.  And I must admit that I did not read every single word.  Some if the book I skimmed through, because just reading that information is like reading instructions to put furniture together.

Not boring, just very detailed with instructions that my brain can’t visualize.

When, and/or, the family and I have to “bug out” as my husband says, this will be one book that we will include in a backpack that we carry, along with a Bible and a book on plants that we can eat in our area.

The book is set up in two sections.  The first section for a short stay in the wilderness and the second section for a long term stay in the wilderness.  My suggestion is to read both, as there are valuable information in both sections that can be used in either situation.

From shelters, to foods to harvest, to hunting, to skinning, to tool making, to making weapons, this book has it all and much more!

I really recommend this book for everyone to have at least one copy of.  You never know if you will need these skills.


Dandelions, Not Your Average Weed

WILDCRAFT VITA: 40+ Things to do with Dandelions – Mozilla Firefox.

Click the link above for an awesome list of things to do with Dandelions!  Now most of you probably think of them as weeds.  Not I!

I knew of the health benefits, but was not familiar with the different recipes and uses.

People need to be aware of this kind of info!  These “weeds” are plentiful and easy to grow! You may want to know this just in case you have a need to survive on your own.  Along with other herbal remedies and recipes from the wild.  Nettles, are another one.  So many benefits but everyone thinks they are weeds!

Be safe though!  Know where you are harvesting!  Be sure that you are not eating anything that may have pesticides on it!  I NEVER spray my yard.  My dandelions and nettles are encouraged to grow and mulitply!
